martes, 28 de junio de 2011

Students are excited about the endless possibilities offered by the author heramientas for them to develop their own projects and, in turn, creates the need to learn to use utility to create text, images, sounds and animations that make up their work.
In this way we encourage students because they become aware of the need to learn to use utility programs making their learning more enjoyable and not boring as is learning DOS and Windows (because only learn how to use a "black box" that, although "less black" continues in a nebula and that the absence of a creative production, does not motivate the acquisition of new cognitive structures).

With an authoring tool students can make books, multimedia books, educational software, interactive magazines, games, reports, presentations, cartoons, etc..
in which may include text, graphics, photos, drawings, conceptual networks, concept maps, sounds, words, speeches and entertainment.
Thus, we see the need to learn to use other utilities and information technology, both software and hardware. The need arises from its own internal motivation and therefore their learning will be enjoyable and fun. Learn because they want to have the desire to do so.

Ejercicio 1

Students are excited about the endless possibilities offered
Frase nominal:Students
Frave verbal: are excited about the endless possibilities offered
verbo: are
Tiempo: presente

Ejercico 2:
we see the need to learn to use other utilities and information technology, both software and hardware
Frase nominal: we
Núcleo: we
Frave verbal:see the need to learn to use other utilities and information technology, both software and hardware
verbo: see
Tiempo: presente
se corrige palabra de contenido y de función por estar invertidas, quedando:
Palabras de función: for, in, any, but
Palabras de contenido:students, education
así mismo any no es prefijo sino omni-present
ejercicio Nª 1

1. Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu area de interes.

Ubiquitous learning
For some, ubiquitous learning (or u-learning, ULearning) is equivalent to some form of simple mobile learning, e.g. that learning environments can be accessed in various contexts and situations. The ubiquitous learning environment (ULE) may detect more context data than elearning. Besides the domains of eLearning, uLearning may use more context awareness to provide most adaptive contents for learners[1].

A ubiquitous learning environment is any setting in which students can become totally immersed in the learning process. So, a ubiquitous learning environment is a situation or setting of pervasive or omnipresent education or learning. Education is happening all around the student but the student may not even be conscious of the learning process. Source data is present in the embedded objects and students do not have to DO anything in order to learn. They just have to be there.

Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces.. agrega las abreviaciones.

2. Idea principal del texto (en español)
sobre el aprendizaje ubicuo
3. Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria)
Palabras de contenido: for, in, any, but
Palabras de Función:students, education
Verbos:detect, is, do, may
Artículo:a, the
Preposiciones:, besides, in
Conjunción: and, or
Cognados verdaderos: education, equivalent
cognados Falsos: pervasive,mobile
Sufijo: total-ly, sett-ing
Prefijos: any